Why We Do It
In business for 10 years, we are an Organisation Development and Effectiveness consultancy. Our starting point was a passion for how to build up a whole “system” that delivers results – when both people and their organisations transform from ordinariness to extraordinariness.
We have experience of managing in businesses and know first hand about delivering results. We are committed to working in partnership with you, building your internal capability, not dependency. We want to deliver projects that make a difference to your performance and leave you with fresh ideas and energy to sustain it.
Our track record is in the commercial sector, with a growing involvement in the not-for-profit sector where we all have experience in a voluntary leadership role.
These team coaching sessions are designed for your internal organisation effectiveness people and internal change agents. A small group uses action research methodology to review their practice, generate ideas and strategies for action and are then encouraged to undertake further development and training. (Starting 2013)
If you would like to take part, sign up here
This series of open discussions are held twice a year in London or Aberdeen. All participants have a series of readings and other stimulus material circulated as stimulus to a day's discussion and reflection. The day long sessions have a charge to cover print costs, room hire and refreshments. (Starting 2013)
If you would like to take part, sign up here
We hold open programmes for people working or wanting to work in a specified industry sector. The sessions give people the opportunity to understand and discuss how to be an exemplar in that area of work. The programmes normally take place over two days and there is the opportunity for a follow up coaching session back in your workplace
1. Attitude Of Service
In this workshop we bring to clear attention based on our collective experiences:
- what creates such an upbeat attitude of service effortlessly in us
- why it's so powerful when we receive it as a customer
- how to re create this game changing service attitude whenever we choose
- what this means for us personally, our team and our business
- The workshop is participative, fun, enlightening and potent immediately as well as for the long term.
2. Service Leadership – Self awareness and the capacity to win emotional loyalty in authentic, fulfilling relationships. The route to effectiveness for you, your people and your business
Join us for a skype discussion four times a year on a selection of books and articles. These sessions start at 10.00am and normally last one hour. They are chaired by one of the Wingivers consultants and the format for the Book Club is published in advance. The selection for September and November are insert books eg. Wilful blindness
HERE IS A SELECTION OF BOOKS we have enjoyed. Some of the recommendations include reviews.

Flawless Consulting Peter Block pub. Jossey Bass
The best book on how to be a good consultant based on a set of values and ethics that are what Wingivers aspires to live and deliver.
A Manual of Organisation Development – the psychology of change Clare Huffington, Carol Cole, Halina Brunning pub. Karnac Books
br> A difficult book to get hold of and whenever we've enquired they talk about reprinting it. This book is compact, setting out what organisation development is and the scope of the subject. This is coupled by attention to the role and practise of the consultant. It is written by practicing OD consultants and is well referenced
Images of Organisation Gareth Morgan pub. Sage
This book introduces and illustrates the notion of metaphor and its powerful effect on the way we see and make sense of organisations. It helps underline the power of language and the opportunity we have by using a variety of metaphors to help us look deeply at the organisational systems we work with.
Organization Theory: Selected Classic Readings D.S. Pugh pub. Penguin Business
This text sets out some of the originators of organisation theory, the basis of management theory today. People still refer to Taylor, Herzberg, McGregor's theory x and y – by reading some of the original texts you can see how our ideas about effective organisations have evolved and how the practice of management has evolved.
Organizational Culture and Leadership Edgar Schein pub. Jossey Bass
Schein has been a profound influence on us and our practice. In this book Schein makes the connection between the formation and development of culture in an organisation and leadership. It illustrates throughout the essential responsibility of senior management. If anyone was in any doubt who was responsible for the real and practical development of organisation effectiveness in any organisation – this firmly places it with senior management. [It is not human resources]
The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook: Strategies for Building a Learning Organization
A fabulous reader for the practitioner in developing organisation effectiveness whether an external consultant or as a manager in an organisation. Packed full of ideas and material based on Senge's knowledge and practice. This book has not been surpassed as the consultant's practical handbook as to what to do next.
List of references and links to develop your own practice.
Input – LINKS + very short reviews